Ride Like a Girl

Ladies Nights are Tuesdays

Ladies, come ride on Tuesdays and enjoy special pricing and free hosting from 7-9pm. Our host is there to ensure that you have a good time, and help you explore B-LINE’s terrain in a safe and fun environment.

This is your night to take over the park, although dudes are still allowed. Come experience the freedom, strength and sisterhood that comes with conquering new terrain on two wheels, with a group of like minded ladies.

We’re doing $24 day passes and $16 rentals for ladies all day on Tuesdays.

Meet your host, Tara:

Tara has joined B-LINE for the 2023/2024 winter season as our Ladies Night Host.

She has her PMBIA Level 1 certification and she shreds on a mountain bike.

The Plan:

Tara hosts from 7-9pm pretty much every Tuesday. She’ll take any beginners on a tour through the park for the first hour. At around 8pm is when she’ll close off sections for ladies only shred sessions.

What to expect on Ladies Nights

You can expect to meet new people, hear great music, have fun on your bike, and get your heart pumping.

Whether you’re a seasoned rider, or just starting out, our supportive community of badass women will cheer you on as you conquer the park. Every ladies night is going to be different, depending on who, and how many people show up to ride.

So… grab your helmet, flat shoes, MTB pads, comfortable clothes that you can ride in, a lock, snacks, some money, and your phone, and come ride.

If you are brand new to B-LINE, we recommend checking out our First Timer’s Page.

Ladies night is our way of adding to the community of badass women riders.

Surfin’ Berms will be hosting ladies nights on Thursday November 16th, 2023 and Tuesday February 13th, 2024

FOX Women’s Ride NIGHT 2020

FOX Racing hosted a few ladies nights in early 2020. Here’s a video recap from the one we had on January 7th.