Let’s Jam Sometime

BMX Jam April 22, 2023

On April 22, 2023 we are hosting an all ages BMX JAM starting at 6pm. Planned events include long jump, highest bunny hop, best trick on the new ledge, a mini spine jam, and highest air on the new quarter. Price is just admission to B-LINE (so $35 for the day and event).

We’ll start off in the BAR and then move around B-LINE doing all the events.

Sponsors: VANS, The SpaceBrace, HAZEL Eyewear, 4130 Distribution, B-LINE Bike Park, Killemall, Odyssey, and Sunday (QBP)

Prizes will be given out for pretty random things like: best attempts, best dressed, worst dressed, best trick, most stoke, etc…

A BMX Jam is an organized indoor, or outdoor, event where tons of riders are gathered together for a good time on bikes. Simply put – they rule! – The internet

Here’s the rough schedule which allows for a few breaks:

 6pm           10 and under Long Jump
6:10           Long Jump Jam

 6:30           10 and under Bunny Hop Jam
6:40           High Hop Jam

 7pm           10 and under High Air Jam
7:10           High Air Jam
7:45           Spine Jam (BAR) – Trophy Prize
8:30           Ledge Jam – Trophy Prize    

No need to register. Just come ride.

April 22nd, 2023. 6pm-10pm. Spread the word…

overview of retail area
overview of retail area

Ledge Jam Trophy

These beautifully crafted sculptures appeared at B-LINE one day, and nobody left a note, or told us what to do with them. We really don’t know who left these at B-LINE; we’d like to say a huge thanks to whoever it was. Please let us know if it was you!

From what we can tell, they were forged with stardust, and the mighty passion of BMX.

We’ll use one as a trophy for best trick, and one as a trophy for another part of the jam (TBD).