Our Last Ditch Effort…

There is still hope to keep B-LINE going if we can come up with a plan ASAFP!

B-LINE is planning to close down on April 30th, 2024 unless we can pull together a miracle. This page is dedicated to facilitating that miracle.

The graph above is our monthly revenue chart, subdivided into categories, since day one. In 2023 B-LINE made $1.2 million in revenue, and that is a realistic revenue projection going forward (+/- 10% depending on the weather). So let’s call it $100k/month. There’s potential for more for sure.

Our current rent is $72,000 a month, or the price of a nice Ford F-150 Lariat. Our rent and op costs have not always been that high. For example, March 2020, our rent and op costs were ‘only’ $45k/month. We always knew our rent would increase, based on our lease deal, but we had no idea that our op costs, which are part of rent, would go from $13,000/month to $37,000/month in 6 years. We had op costs maxed out at $18,000 after 10 years in our business plan.

Our insurance is $4600/month.

Salaries are $25,000 – $30,000 a month. I currently make $80k and one could argue that I’m underpaid. My wife who does all the book keeping and HR stuff makes $40k and one could argue that she is also underpaid, because she has to deal with me.

Throw in other expenses like ramp repair, retail stock, break-ins, and you see that we have a big nut to crack each month. (You’d all be shocked at the price of paper towel. Each roll in the bathroom dispenser is $16. And have you seen how much some people use???)

The Long Term Plan is turning B-LINE into a NFP: 

We feel that the only way that B-LINE can survive long term, is as a Not-For-Profit. The For Profit model is clearly not working for us. There are many benefits available to NFP’s that are not available to For Profit businesses like tax breaks, the ability to apply for grants, and the ability to do fundraising. We will set up a NFP as soon as we see a viable path to survival going forward.

Transitioning to a NFP doesn’t guarantee our survival but it gives us a way better chance. We need help to get there…

At this point we need an EXTRA $50k/month, on top of our current revenue, in order to cover rent and other expenses going forward. As I type, that number seems insurmountable.

But… if we break it down, and get some help from some large corporations, we can have a legit shot at keeping B-LINE going.

Our goal is to get 5 large companies that can pay $10k/month each, to brand an area of the park. It would start as a one year contract, and would come with some benefits for the company. That would buy us the time we need to transition to a NFP:

Our Dream Team, unbeknownst to them, is:

  • The ATB Financial Beginner Area. Start biking, and banking, here!
  • The Red Bull Big Air Room (or whatever they want to call it). Red Bull, supporting grassroots!
  • The Subaru Skills Section. Subaru… cause you branded all the other parks!
  • The Rogers Wifi Connection – Providing Internet and Opportunities for Youth
  • The Chiropractor’s Association of Alberta Foam Pit!! You bend it, we bend it back!

At this point we need the financial backing to move forward. We can’t count on attendance or memberships.

A $1,000,000 donation would work, but the donor wouldn’t get a tax receipt, just good vibes.

Covid, and the summers after Covid, drained 100% of our savings.

We had to pay money to be closed, often in our prime months, and we were told to recover during our slow months. We were unable to save money during the time that we HAD to save money.

Subsidies only covered a portion of rent, and a portion of salaries.

We had to pay to keep all of our services going from internet and website, to bank loans and insurance. Our insurance company gave us no break even though we were closed for 9 months in total.

We saw our savings dwindle as we paid full rent in the summers following Covid.

Networking People! We need to get this opportunity in front of the right people, at the right companies, right the f*&# now!

If you know someone, or some company, that may be interested in capturing the hearts of all the B-LINE patrons by becoming an Angel Radvertiser at B-LINE, pass this on to them.

If you are one of those right people, please email ryan@blinebikepark.com with the subject line: B-LINE Radvertising, and we can start talking.

Community is why we’re still here, and why I’ll keep fighting until the last possible second.

It does seem like it is too late, but I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t think there was a chance to pull it off.

The City has told me, more than once, that there is absolutely nothing they can do. They see the benefit that B-LINE provides, but because we are a private business, they can’t help.  Even as a NFP, we’d still have to get good at grant writing, and compete against all the other NFPs for grant funding that likely couldn’t be used for rent or opcosts anyways.

I’ve reached out to B-LINE’s Provincial MLA, and Premiere Danielle Smith’s office, but I’ve never heard back. So maybe they could help, but we’ll never know.

I’ll never under stand how the City of Calgary can give $537,000,000 to a new arena deal to keep the local hockey team in Calgary, but won’t pay $1,000,000 (or so) to keep B-LINE in Calgary. The Province is giving $330,000,000 to the new arena deal.

(secretly I’m ok with the new arena deal because I have a dream of using the Old Saddledome as B-LINE 2.0! Imagine the pump track on the concourse!)

Did I mention that this is all TOP Secret?

This is highly classified information and anyone who is thinking of opening a bike park would benefit by seeing it, but then probably wouldn’t open up a bike park.

Maybe we’re being too transparent, but we’re asking for a massive amount of assistance.

And at this point, we’ve got nothing to lose… except B-LINE.

Here’s are a few more reasons why we think B-LINE is worth saving:

  • It’s one of 5 Bike Parks in North America (bike only).
  • B-LINE is a tourist attraction.
  • Our junior teams! We have 30+ kids that train weekly throughout the winter.
  • BMX Freestyle is in the Olympics and B-LINE’s terrain is suitable for training.
  • We have terrain for all levels of riders and we cater to families.
  • We have a 4.8 star Google rating after 6.5 years. That’s pretty good and speaks volumes about our staff and our facility.
  • We employ 20 of the raddest people.
  • With today’s commercial real estate market, it is unlikely that another bike park our size would ever get built if B-LINE goes away.
  • Tristan Proctor made the Save B-LINE video below and it would be a shame if it didn’t work.


March 25th, 2024: B-LINE is planning to close down on April 30th, 2024 unless we get some miracle funding, and time is running out.

Sign Up for an Annual Membership Paid Monthly for $100

If we get enough people (400) to sign up, B-LINE has a shot at survival. There is an $85 sign up, and a few $ in prorated dues to capture the last few days of the month, and you’re committing to 1 year of $100 monthly payments. That’s ONLY $217.96 to get a Membership Until April 30th, 2024 if you buy today (our One Month pass was $235). If B-LINE Closes April 30th, you’re off the hook for dues. BUT… if B-LINE continues to operate, THANK YOU and congratulations!! You are a member and you helped save B-LINE.

OR…Try $100 advertising at B-LINE

Sign up for the annual membership paid month and then send us an email that says you’d rather advertise. We’ll take the dues, but you can give us an ad to place at B-LINE, either on the TV (Give us a 2560×1440 Jpeg), or bring in a 4×4 sign, in lieu of riding privileges.

(if I sound desperate to save B-LINE, it’s because I am)

This ‘Save B-LINE’ Video is awesome and could still be our salvation!